Announcement for the value of working hour and point 2024
EMPIR 19RPT02 Real Mass
EMPIR 19RPT02 Real Mass On the 13th and 14th of June, in Turin, Italy, the annual meeting of the participating partners in the EMPIR project for the decimation of the kilogram unit of mass is being held.  The meeting is hosted by the Metrological Institute of Italy (INRIM), and the meeting is attended by 11 […]
Pictures from the event on the occasion of World Metrology Day!
Pictures from the event on the occasion of World Metrology Day!
Measurements supporting the global food system
Measurements supporting the global food system   20th of May – World metrology day celebrates the signing of the Metre Convention for the unity of measurements in the world. The theme of World metrology day for 2023 is “Measurements supporting the global food system”. This theme was chosen because of the increasing challenges of climate […]
Director Selami participatеs in the WELMEC meeting in Germany!
Director Selami participatеs in the WELMEC meeting in Germany! In the period from the 3th to the 5th of May 2023, after a recess of four years, the fourth annual meeting of WELMEC, European Organization of Legal Metrology, is taking place at the German Metrological Institute. The Bureau of Metrology of the Republic of North […]
EURAMET Technical Committee – Flow 18-20.04.2023
Representatives of the Bureau of Metrology in the period from the 18th to the 20th  of April 2023 were participants of the thirty-fourth EURAMET Technical Committee for Flow (EURAMET TC – Flow Meeting 2023), which this year was held in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia, organized by the National Metrology Institute of Slovenia (MIRS). About 55 […]
Meeting Selami – Spasovska
Meeting Selami – Spasovska The director of the Bureau of Metrology had a meeting with the respected professor Dr. Hristina Spasevska, President of the Metrology Council at Bureau of Metrology. The Metrology Council is an advisory body at Bureau of Metrology, which provides support in the area of legal, scientific and industrial metrology. Director Selami […]
EURAMET TC-Q (Technical Committee for Quality)
EURAMET TC-Q (Technical Committee for Quality) According to the working procedures of the Euramet Technical Committee for Quality, EURAMET TC-Q, in the period from the 28th to the 30th March 2023, in Bern, Switzerland, at the Federal Institute of Metrology METAS, an annual meeting of the quality committee was held, with the aim of validating […]
Signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Metrology of the Kingdom of Spain
Today, November 13, 2015 in Madrid, the Kingdom of Spain, the Director of the Bureau of Metrology of the Republic of Macedonia, Dimitar Parnardziev and Dr. Fernando Ferrer Margalef, director of the Center for Metrology of the Kingdom of Spain, signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The main areas of the Memorandum of Understanding signed today […]
Closing of the twinning project of the Bureau of Metrology and the Czech Metrological Institute
On November 1, 2017, with the ceremony in the EU InfoCentre in Skopje, the completion of the Twinning Light project “Strengthening the capacities of the Bureau of metrology for integration of the internal market”, funded by the IPA TAIB 2012 program, was marked. Through this project, in which the Czech Metrological Institute participated as a […]
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