Bureau of Metrology of the Republic of Macedonia –BoM is founded according to the Law on Metrology (“Official Bulletin of Republic of Macedonia” No.55/2002)
Short History:
The Bureau of Metrology – BoM as a legal entity is responsible institution for implementation of:
BoM is successor of the former Service for standardization and metrology as legal entity within the Ministry of Economy. 2.Mission
By realisation of the mission it would be achieved and maintain development of the Macedonian economy and industry in the global world trends. Primal goal of the Bureau of metrology is to realise the national standards for as many SI units as possible and this will provide traceability in unbreakable chain in the country and abroad and in connection with this goal to continue assignment for their keeping and maintains. The Bureau of metrology perform its activities on professional basis for all users,
Until now and in the future, the BoM makes effort to provide efficient services in the shortest period for a reasonable price, which will be concurrent on the International market especially in the region and EU. As an administrative state body, Bureau of metrology follow principals of the state institutions defined by Law on organization and tasks of government institutions and Law on public servants. Introducing the system of quality and its systematic transformation from administrative body into a scientific institution will apply principals defined by national, European and international standards as fallow.
Working area
BOM has appropriative computer equipment and metrology equipment for seven national laboratories, provided by EU help project CARDS/SMAQVa as excellent base for starting its primary function – calibration of standards in BOM. Base core of BOM are 33 public servants. 60% of all have BSc technical engenders. Necessity for development
Program tasks of the Bureau of metrology – main contractor of metrological infrastructure 1. Strategically (Main Tasks)
2. Managing the quality system
3. Managing the human resources
4. Managing the financial resources
5. AQUIS and transposition of European legislation
6. Communication
7. Prevention
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