
EURAMET TC-Q (Technical Committee for Quality)

26/04/2023 by

EURAMET TC-Q (Technical Committee for Quality)

According to the working procedures of the Euramet Technical Committee for Quality, EURAMET TC-Q, in the period from the 28th to the 30th March 2023, in Bern, Switzerland, at the Federal Institute of Metrology METAS, an annual meeting of the quality committee was held, with the aim of validating the Quality Management System of the National Metrology Institutes and accompanied institutes, through the review of the submitted annual reports and discussions with all member countries of EURAMET.

The work of the laboratory center of the Bureau of Metrology and all changes in the Quality Management System for a period of 1 year was presented through an annual report, which was accepted by the expert committee of EURAMET TC-Q (Steering committee) without any remarks or inconsistencies.


After the annual meeting of EURAMET TC-Q, within the framework of the official trip, the Delegation of the Bureau of Metrology led by the director Abdul-Selam Selami also held a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia in Switzerland, Her Excellency Melehate Muftarovska, where they discussed mediation and assistance by our Embassy in bilateral agreements between the Bureau of Metrology and the Federal Institute of Metrology METAS, in the field of scientific, industrial and legal metrology.

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